You have arrived at the final part of your quest. To get through the Portal of Light you will need to carry the CRMR gemstone in memeory of the Great Knight, Casey Rodarmor. Please only mint one, leave the remaining for our fellow travellers. You may meet some fellow travellers soon. Examine the clue below to direct you on your path: "Quick to launch, not a Second too late, a BRC20 token, defying name's false state. First in utility, despite the misleading guise, Thirty jewels unlocked an NFT's prized prize." Youyou must find the inscription number of the deployment of the token, and the number of the first NFT of the aforementioned collection. MAP: [Take these two inscription numbers and add them together. Multiply by 8, then subtract 363000. Take 194 steps North from this point and you will find the Portal of Light.]